How to: Use Fish Sauce
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How to: Use Fish Sauce

OH FISH SAUCE, one of my favorite additions to food. I can’t imagine a world without it. but I have found, at least around my non-Asian peeps, that it is heavily misunderstood. The biggest misconception about fish sauce is that it’s “fishy.” And sure, it might smell fishy—I mean… it’s MADE OF FISH—but in cooking, it actually functions more like salt, and brings a deeper, savory, umami punch to whatever it’s splashed into (Even more than Soy Sauce that, IMHO, is a bit overly loved by Americans).

Oven-Baked Beer-Batter Fish
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Oven-Baked Beer-Batter Fish

I know I do, but I also know, that you don’t always want to fry your fish, but still want that amazing crispy goodness. Well… Enter… the baked version of my Beer Batter Fish Fry. Just like my beer batter recipe, this recipe can be used on shrimp or chicken. I’m honestly not sure if this recipe would work in an air fryer, but if you try it, please let me know!

Also, I have a tartar sauce recipe that goes great with this Beer Batter Fish Fry.  Enjoy!