Best and Easiest Baked Potato Recipe
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Best and Easiest Baked Potato Recipe

Today, I thought we could go back to the basics and review a simple skill that every good home cook should master, how to bake a potato.

I know what you’re thinking, why all the fuss about a baked potato? Well, let me start by saying if you’ve ever enjoyed a good supper club/restaurant-style baked potato, you know what I’m talking about. Those baked potatoes with skins that are irresistibly golden, and crispy with a satisfying hint of crunchy salt in each bite. The insides are perfectly light, fluffy, and steamy, ready to enjoy with a melty pad of butter, a dash of fresh chives, or maybe loaded up with all of your favorite toppings. If you’ve had that, then you know what the fuss is about. If not, trust me when I say it’s worth the extra time needed to make the potato.

German Potato Pancakes (KartĂłffelpuffer)
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German Potato Pancakes (KartĂłffelpuffer)

It’s officially Fall, and nothing sounds better on a cool day than a nice warm, fluffy, and yummy potato pancake! Or… maybe that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, today I’m sharing one version of German potato pancakes (yes there are multiple) that are loved in the Smith household. The kartĂłffelpuffer is traditionally served at Christmas time in Germany, but these are a family favorite that makes their way to our table, OFTEN.