German Potato Pancakes (Kartóffelpuffer)
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German Potato Pancakes (Kartóffelpuffer)

It’s officially Fall, and nothing sounds better on a cool day than a nice warm, fluffy, and yummy potato pancake! Or… maybe that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, today I’m sharing one version of German potato pancakes (yes there are multiple) that are loved in the Smith household. The kartóffelpuffer is traditionally served at Christmas time in Germany, but these are a family favorite that makes their way to our table, OFTEN.

Recipe: Peppermint Brownie
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Recipe: Peppermint Brownie

This recipe is my holiday version in honor of my husband’s all-time favorite dessert, the brownie. Chunks of chocolate chips, with a fudgy rich texture that crumbles on the top and has that perfect amount of peppermint that throws you into holiday nostalgia. Peppermint hot chocolate by a cozy fire listening to Nat King Cole and watching the snow fall gently.

This peppermint brownie recipe is a little different, in that I use powdered sugar (instead of granulated sugar) to help make the brownies denser and hold their fudge-like texture together. Much like fudge, they are also decadent and rich, so I highly recommend cutting them into smaller squares much as you would fudge. trust me, your tummy will thank you.