Hit the Pot Game (Topfschlagen)
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Hit the Pot Game (Topfschlagen)

You put candy in a pot (we like letting the kids pick it) and place it somewhere in the room/yard.

Then, you blindfold the first person seeking the pot (we always go from youngest to oldest). and place them somewhere else in the same room/yard as the candy. They go down on their hands and knees and begin crawling around trying to find the pot using their spoon/wooden stick.

Recipe: Mint Chip “Milkshake” Cupcakes
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Recipe: Mint Chip “Milkshake” Cupcakes

I am a huge Mint Chip Ice Cream fan (as is my oldest whom I made these cupcakes for). My oldest just had a birthday party recently and wanted some kind of fun cupcake for the party. Enter…. mint chip milkshake cupcakes. A fun play on basic cupcakes with a milkshake flair.

Last year, I made a cake that looked like a dragon (yes this kid is also really into dragons). But that was a lot. I had to bake the cake, freeze it, cut it, “glue it” and then frost and decorate it.