Pumpkin Spice Blend
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Pumpkin Spice Blend

Would you believe me if I told you that most of the “pumpkin” flavor you associate with pumpkin spice anything comes from the spice, not the pumpkin? It’s true. Pumpkin on its own has a very mild light and dare I say plan flavor to it. It begs for some warming spices to meet their true potential as the flavors we all know and love.

Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Bread
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Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Bread


What screams fall more than Apple Pumpkin Bread? I can’t think of anything. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to pumpkin and apple treats, cooler weather, and dusting off my favorite boots (and I have a lot of them to choose from). The leaves on the trees outside are starting to turn, the weather is getting cooler, (along with some random days if hot), so I think now is a great time to share some fall recipes.