Pizza Pasta Bake
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Pizza Pasta Bake

I don’t know about you, but I have 2 major loves (other than Chinese food), Pizza and Pasta. So today I’m sharing my perfect mash-up, a pizza-inspired pasta bake, perfect for meal planning and great for those of you that need to make things ahead of time and then shove it into the oven while homework is being done, and boots are being cleaned off! I actually made this recipe back in 2016 when my blog was a side thought and I had recently had my third child, MJ as a way to sneak veggies into my son’s diet. Back in 2016, he was PICKY. Thankfully, that is no longer the case.

Venison Morel Stroganoff
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Venison Morel Stroganoff

Deer (venison) and morel are not actually hunted during the same season. Venison is in the fall and morels are a spring forage. However, this is such a fun recipe my husband and oldest (CJ) love so much I had to share it! Hunting and storing food is something we’re pretty versed in. Growing and canning tomatoes, drying fresh herbs from the summer growth. This is just part of what we do. So having venison and morels together is not an uncommon thing for us.