German Potato Pancakes (Kartóffelpuffer)
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German Potato Pancakes (Kartóffelpuffer)

It’s officially Fall, and nothing sounds better on a cool day than a nice warm, fluffy, and yummy potato pancake! Or… maybe that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, today I’m sharing one version of German potato pancakes (yes there are multiple) that are loved in the Smith household. The kartóffelpuffer is traditionally served at Christmas time in Germany, but these are a family favorite that makes their way to our table, OFTEN.

Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Bread
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Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Bread


What screams fall more than Apple Pumpkin Bread? I can’t think of anything. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to pumpkin and apple treats, cooler weather, and dusting off my favorite boots (and I have a lot of them to choose from). The leaves on the trees outside are starting to turn, the weather is getting cooler, (along with some random days if hot), so I think now is a great time to share some fall recipes.

Oven-Baked Beer-Batter Fish
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Oven-Baked Beer-Batter Fish

I know I do, but I also know, that you don’t always want to fry your fish, but still want that amazing crispy goodness. Well… Enter… the baked version of my Beer Batter Fish Fry. Just like my beer batter recipe, this recipe can be used on shrimp or chicken. I’m honestly not sure if this recipe would work in an air fryer, but if you try it, please let me know!

Also, I have a tartar sauce recipe that goes great with this Beer Batter Fish Fry.  Enjoy!