Recipe: Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad
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Recipe: Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad

Summer is a great time for pasta salads and one thing I’ve been really enjoying is revamping some favorite Tex-Mex recipes from my childhood. Many of you know that my dad is Chinese, but what many of you may not know is my mom is a Texan, and my dad, although Chinese, is associated greatly as a Texan himself (growing up there much of his life). So even though I was born and bred in Wisconsin, I grew up eating a lot, and I mean a lot of Tex-Mex food.

Microwave Quesadilla
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Microwave Quesadilla

The Cheap & Easy Edition: Not everyone has a stove, or can afford to go out to the local butcher and get the “best” chicken breast. But that doesn’t mean you have to eat ramen noodles every day either (not that I’m judging, I LOVE ramen noodles).

That being said, at some point, you gotta get sick of it. This quesadilla recipe is easy, quick, and cheap. My teenagers make this all the time. Best part? It does not sacrifice taste.